In this podcast, Amy has a conversation with Mael Brigde, about her work and connection with Brigid. Since 2004, Mael has maintained the longest-running, most prolific blog about Brigid entitled, "Brigit's Sparkling Flame" where she collects a variety of different resources about Brigid, such as in links, books, music, and events. She also has her poetry dedicated to Brigid on her "Stone on the Belly" blog. She founded "Daughters of the Flame," which is the first non-church-based flame tending group dedicated to Brigid, which interestingly enough lit their first flame on Brigid's Eve, January 31st 1993, the same year that the Brigidine sisters in Kildare Ireland relit Brigid's flame. Currently, Mael teaches online courses dedicated to Brigid.
Mael's Brigid Courses:
Intro and Outro Music from the album, "A Year In Ireland" by New Time Ensemble, Used with Permission
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